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ACTS Announces Their New Service “Triaxial Shear Testing” In Rwanda

ACTS Announces Their New Service “Triaxial Shear Testing” In Rwanda

Triaxial tests are one of the most widely performed tests in a geotechnical engineering. The triaxial shear test allows the determination of parameters such as cohesion (c’), internal angle of friction (φ’) and shear strength. The advantages of the test is that specimen drainage can be controlled and pore pressure can be measured.

The 3 types of triaxial tests can be done at ACTS Laboratories:

  • UU Triaxial – Unconsolidated Undrained (this can also be termed QU for Quick Undrained)
  • CU Triaxial – Consolidated Undrained triaxial
  • CD Triaxial – Consolidated Drained triaxial
Contact ACTS – Rwanda:
Head Office & Laboratory: Kigali Special Economic Zone C 6, Masoro Gasabo District.
T: +250738777986
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