Technical Standards & Solutions (TSSD)
ACTS Technical Standards and Solutions Division (TSSD) holds the world’s largest library of updated hardcopy and online collection of technical standards, engineering specifications, codes of practice and regulations pertaining to more than 300 international organizations namely: ASTM, ANSI, AWWA, ACI, AASHTO, BSI, ASME, ISO, IEL, ICAO, API, and others.
In fact, ACTS is the preferred code and standards supplier of Middle Eastern leading companies and organizations.
TSSD primary role and strength is the creation of network to promote utilization of standards and codes application in day to day activities. We also help government entities and large corporations develop specific engineering standards for local applications and we share our knowledge, experience and resources through discussions, conferences and educational programs
We strive to share our knowledge and expertise in this area with our customers and our solutions enable them to buy the right product at the right time and from the right source.
ACTS has currently trained more than 6000 personnel in the Middle East and Africa region and certified more than 5000 personnel in the various ACI certification programs. Our expertise covers training fields such as:
• Field & Laboratory testing, and evaluation of concrete and construction materials
• Concrete advanced technologies and Mix Design
• Understanding of ready mixed concrete
• Construction Practices: mixing, placing, pumping, consolidation, finishing, curing, protection, formwork erection & removal.
• Heat of Hydration analysis, Mass Concrete, Hot and Cold weather concreting
• Inspection of structures and special investigations
• Nondestructive Testing NDT Techniques
• Soils Testing and Evaluation
• Hot Mix Asphalt technology
• Asphalt Superpave
• Fundamentals of Geotechnical Investigations
• ASTM phase 1 & 2 Environmental Site Assessment
• Welding Inspection
Conferences & Seminars
ACTS is the organizer of the largest concrete conference in the Middle East and Africa region, Future Concrete Construction.
The conference is organized yearly in association with the world renowned societies in concrete like ACI, FIB, ASTM and the UK Concrete Society. Through organization of international conferences such as the Future Concrete Series, and the launching of numerous seminars and awareness sessions, ACTS has become a leader and a reference in quality concreting practices and technologies in the region.