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Extension Of Port Of Beirut: Quay 16 Container Terminal

Extension Of Port Of Beirut: Quay 16 Container Terminal


The project consisted of the expansion of Port of Beirut, through the extension of Quay 16.5 Km into the east, reaching the mouth of the Beirut River, through reclaiming 140000m² of land. This expansion increased the container terminals’ capacity by 450000TEUs. ACTS has performed the geotechnical investigation campaign which included conducting a geophysical seismic reflection survey for 1150000m² area, drilling around 60 off‐shore boreholes, and performing around 83 cone penetration tests. The investigation also included performing numerous laboratory tests on selected soil/rock samples in order to determine the various strata properties relevant to the geotechnical study.

  • Country:Lebanon
  • Service:Engineering Services
  • Sector:Government-public-sector
  • Date:2022-09-23
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